The catamount LC UAS unmanned craft System.
Puma lupus erythematosus (Long Endurance) may be a next-generation extended-mission unmanned craft system (UAS) designed and made by AeroVironment. The catamount lupus erythematosus relies on the catamount AE (All Environment), giving improved capabilities, range, and payload capability.
The catamount lupus erythematosus was launched in Gregorian calendar month 2019 at the AUSA (Association of the u. s. Army) exhibition and conference that was command in Washington D.C. in step with AeroVironment, the catamount lupus erythematosus is constructed to perform multi-mission operations with up to ten.7 weight unit of total payload capability.
The aircraft’s ruggedized secondary payload bay permits the combination of third-party payloads, with a fanatical power, provide providing 18-24 volts at up to five amps, associated with a local area network affiliation port for payload communications.
Puma lupus erythematosus options associate integrated mantid i45 supported electro-optical/infrared detector and night-vision goggle-visible optical maser illuminator, to produce mental imagery for intelligence, police work, and intelligence activity (ISR) throughout the day, night, and low-light operations ashore and in maritime environments.
Delivering cluster a pair of capabilities in a very cluster one footprint, the craft weighs ten.4 weight unit and is launched by hand or bungee cord. Aboard batteries give five hours of flight endurance, doubling the time on station of catamount three AE, with associate operational vary of sixty kilometers once used with AeroVironment’s Long-Range following Antenna (LRTA).
Catamount LE’s dual-case mission pack contains everything required to perform two complete five-hour missions with one craft and communication system.
Puma lupus erythematosus will be operated manually or autonomously with AeroVironment’s common.